Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Starship - Pink Paper

I think this is the first time they did this live. Glad that there are still people out there doing something innovative.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hardread Podcast

More awesome electronic music. I have been liking this better than Bitjam lately.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Lesson on Social Venturing

There are two walks of social venturing.

First is the mainstream idea that we must seek out the ideal group of friends or the ideal person to have a relationship with, often eliminating prospects before the initial icebreaker. Judging a book by it's cover, stereotyping, staying strictly within the scope one specific social group or group of friends for companionship, et cetera.

This former thought pattern in my opinion is popular largely because it is an evolved characteristic of mankind as well as other animal species. Thinking about a potential outcome of a situation before it has occurred will keep the family alive longer than not thinking about it. However, it leaves us bitter, paranoid, and most of all: lonely.

And then there is what I call the expanded horizons approach. Do away with or pay less attention to every rule that professes methods of aiding in "guessing" what a possible particular situation will hold. Go into foreign territory such as a musical genre that you are unfamiliar with. To meet people, use a method that you haven't used before, but use the strengths and experiences that you have learned while practicing your life beforehand. Skip the weekly party and try something different next time, or instead of going to a party in one city, go to the party in the city next to it instead. Instead of looking at the type of stranger that you are comfortable with initiating conversation with, talk to a different unfamiliar person instead, and think about trying to make friends with that person as well.

You will find that the results are astonishing and you will be rewarded for your enlightened way of thinking. It may not happen overnight, but changing these patterns with these simple steps will alter the entire dynamic of your life.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Light Graffiti

Here is a link to 25 Light Graffiti pictures on another blog. Check it out.